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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

In terms of my OTS, I do not think cinemas such as Odeon or Vue would be the correct market or demographic for my film, however it would be helpful if it could be screened in places such as this to garner more attention and feedback. 


However, I feel that the best places to distribute my film to would be cinemas that showcase a variety of independent films with small budgets, as it could attract active viewership and movie-buffs who could talk about it, share feedback and critisism.


Another institution which would be interesting to distribute the film to would be to film fesitvals, as films can be sumbitted online and, if accepted and showcased there, could receive much more attention, predominatley through critics and reviews whp's opinions and reviews could be published in magazines, newspapers, online etc. 


Lastly, if I were to dsitributeand exhibit this film online, I would choose Vimeo, as it is a site which caters for up-and-coming filmmakers, and, as well as this, the 'Staff picks' are often for films that have not received as much as attentionas they deserve, so, when people who actually work for Vimeo choose content, and post it on their 'Staff Picks' page, more attention is garnered. 


Another reason for choosing Vimeo over YouTube, still on the topic of 'Staff Picks' is because with YouTube, the majority of videos featured on the homepage are due to populairy, but not necessarily quality (generally). However, with Vimeo Staff Picks, there are four moderators who hand pick what goes on their website, making it more reliable, and that the attention for my film would be because people hopefully enjoy it, not just because it has the most views.

In terms of promotion, I would release trailers for the film, either on the same channel that would exhibit the full film on Vimeo (if I was showcasing it online) or through production companies channels. 


Reviews in physical or online magazines would be great promotion, as it would give more of an insight into how other people percieved the film, especially if someone watched the trailer and was not sure if it was the right movie for them.

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